Rental 58 Leisurebuilt, Traveller
8.2m long and 3.0m with over 24 sq metrs of living space this is a very BIG van. More suited as a site van but still completely legal to tow.This example has rear double bedroom with twin wardrobes and dresser; next a full size showerwith heated towel rail; opposite is toilet (Thetford Cassette); vanity with overhead cabinet. In the front lounge kitchen. Large four burner gas stove; large pantry; domestic sized sink. All windows open; joinery is aluminium and the unit is even building code compliant. This is a genuine caravan there are no council hassles if you need that granny flat; a big van or any type of self contained accomodation.
Does not require Pilot Vehicle to tow but there are towing restrictions.
Minimum 6 month hire $380 per week. Bond is $1520. Delivery dependent on location and site access.
We are generally open 10.00 to 3.00pm Monday to Friday but always call first as we are often away from the yard. Weekends by appointment
07 378 2505
17 Aurea Place
Ashwood Business Park
Agent: Barbara Kirk
Phone: 07 378 2505
Mobile: 021 322 323